The recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease reported among cattle in Indonesia has Australia “on edge” and with good reason. The Armour Group team are urging the federal government to take appropriate action and implement a stronger biosecurity system before the virus has the opportunity to spread.
FMD is highly contagious and can be carried on clothing and footwear. By binning your boots in Bali, you will be performing an act of national service.
A single positive case of foot and mouth disease (FMD) could have widespread ramifications for Australia’s agriculture industry. Its presence in local livestock could shut down trade for months or years, costing the Australian economy an estimated $80 billion in losses, health experts say.
Armour Group believe that it would be highly devastating to everyone in the ag industry, producers and, suppliers if the virus reaches Australian shores.
“The effects of the virus can cripple the sector, cause immense animal suffering, destroy farmer businesses, create food insecurity and has massive trade impacts for Australia.”
With FMD now on our doorstep in Bali and other parts of Indonesia, and international flights at peak levels since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s critical everyone plays their part in stopping the spread.
“Anyone with plans to travel to Bali needs to be aware of the risks and take appropriate action to ensure they do not bring this disease home.”
Armour Group will continue to work with all relevant government and industry bodies, and our communities to ensure we are in a position to respond swiftly and do everything possible to protect Australian agriculture from FMD.
Useful FMD resources and information:
- FMD Factsheet –
- Review your on-farm biosecurity plan –
- Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Webinar
If livestock exhibit any unusual signs, call your veterinarian or Australia’s Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.